Hey guys,
I'm looking for a fic that I just can't find, and I'm hoping that one of you lovely people might be able to help me!
Firstly, I'd like to preface that I can't remember if this ever actually became proper zosan, or if it had hints of pre-slash or just very strong nakamaship between the two, but either way I don't think that it was the real focus of the fic.
Basically, the premise is that the same day keeps repeating over and over, and sanji is the only one who remembers what has happened before. On this day, the strawhats get surrounded by mist (I think) and attacked by invisible creatures, who eventually take out the whole crew. As sanji is dying, a disembodied voice tells him that he has a set ammount of time (maybe 10 days?) to work out how to save the crew, but that one of them will definitely die. Sanji is like WTFing hard, and then basically the day just resets, and the do-overs start.
I won't spoil the ending for anyone who might be reading this but who doesn't know the story in the hopes that someone can link it here, but I think it all turned out to be some sort of god/demons game or test type thing? It's probably most likely to be on FF.net, but there is a chance it could be on LJ or AO3, as I feel like I've scoured FF.net top to bottom with no luck so far!
Anyways, thanks for your time - here's hoping that someone knows what I'm babbling about!