A/N: A Christmas Present for the readers! I am truly sorry I haven’t updated. Title: Monster AcademyParing: Zoro/Sanji/ZoroRating: This chapter is only Rated TSummary: As the name suggests, it is an academy where monsters attend for two reasons:the first being to learn how to hide their identities and coexist with humans, the second is to find their destined mate. In this certain academy, Sanji is desired by everyone; he is the 'ideal' mate and everyone wants him, all except one green haired vampire. Warnings: Zoro/Sanji, Sanji/other people
Love is dangerous, especially when it tries to kill you.
“Argh!! Where’s that elusive sexy blond?!” Ace nearly tugged his hair out in frustration (But he would never do that, it takes him way too much time and hairspray to keep it in that ‘natural’ mussed us fashion) as he swatted irritably at the surrounding green maze.
Zoro merely raised an eyebrow at the outburst and strolled behind the fiery man in a casual manner that hid his own worries. They had been searching for nearly two hours and he had a nagging feeling that something bad would happen if they didn’t find the blond and escape this cursed forest.
Damn it Sanji…where are you? Zoro was tempted to rage but refused to lower himself to the same standing as Ace, after all, someone needed to be calm and make sure nothing went wrong. Sometimes it sucked being a Zoro.
Lost in his musings but still scanning the area for danger, the green-haired man noticed a slight difference in the vegetation to the left. He approached the spot and surely, it seemed there was a well used path down the slight slope.
He parted the leaves blocking the path and found himself in a pretty clearing next to a lake. The shimmering reflection of the moon on the lake could be seen even from a distance and, entranced by the sight, it took him a while to notice something that should have been obvious to him from the start: Sanji.
After searching for Sanji all this time he felt relief rush through him that Sanji seemed well, until he noticed the also quite obvious chained hands and the dazed look in Sanji’s eyes.
“Sa-“ Zoro started to speak but choked when the
smell hit him; it was revolting and his eyes watered at the putrid smell akin to dead corpses. How had he not noticed it before?
Zoro backed away from the blond until he was a good range away and could only faintly smell that disgusting stench; it was also starting to cause him dizziness which was very alarming. Warily scrutinizing his surroundings while keeping a hand firmly covered over his mouth and nose, Zoro realized that the source of the smell seemed to be…a bowl of…mushrooms?
Oh god, humans and their shrooms. But even as he thought this, Zoro knew that these were not any normal mushrooms; the fact that they had an effect on him proved that they were not cultivated in human lands.
Choosing the quickest way to get rid of the smell, he kicked the bowl into the lake and swiftly cut the chains off of Sanji causing him to slump onto the ground.
Zoro stood, expecting a reaction; this was usually when Sanji started screaming that he didn’t need help… Actually, Sanji hadn’t spoken since he entered the clearing…
Something was wrong…
“Oi, stupid cook,” grunted Zoro as he nudged him with his shoe “Get up, what’s wrong with you?”
Frowning when there was no response from him; Zoro grabbed the cook by his arm and dragged Sanji up until he was standing.
Sanji’s stood only through the support of Zoro and his head tilted down like a rag doll, staring at the ground with blank emotionless eyes.
Something’s wrong, I should’ve seen it earlier! Zoro set his lip in a grim line before piggybacking Sanji and walking out of the accursed clearing to take Sanji back to the school, completely forgetting about the other two boys still chained to the wall and Ace.
“He’s been drugged,” stated the talking raccoon “It’s a very effective drug used to torture victims by causing hallucinations. The scary thing about this drug is that it will cause hallucinations of someone important to you and that person will cause harm to you. Or it could go the other way and it will be the person hallucinating hurting who they care about. It’s a horrible drug, one that runs on cycles of killing and being killed. It should wear off in an hour or so.”
Zoro and Sanji were back at the school and in the infirmary after a long walk back through the woods. Since it was four in the morning, no one was awake and he needed to get into the building somehow; thus, he improvised. He just hoped that he wouldn’t have to pay for the wall he cut to shreds and the medical bill of the random guy who was unfortunately near the wall. It wasn’t his fault he couldn’t find the door and instead chose the easier way to get in to the dorm; how did he know that slicing a section of the wall would result in half the building collapsing? It’s the building’s fault for being weak.
As he was thinking, the doctor, which he learned was named Chopper, finished patching up whatever scrapes Sanji had from Zoro manhandling him.
“He’ll recover after a good several hours of sleep. So, may I ask what happened to cause all this at four in the morning?” Though Chopper was generally kind to everyone, even he would be slightly irked at being awoken at four in the morning.
“I’m not too sure either; Ace was the first one to sense that something was wrong when he went to… “check on him” and Sanji wasn’t in his room, there were also some signs of a struggle. We went to search for Sanji and I found him chained to the remains of a building of some kind.” Zoro furrowed his brows, he had a vague feeling he forgot something but waved it off as his fatigue making him more paranoid.
Chopper gasped in concern and waved his hooves (?) around in panic. “Someone must have kidnapped him! We have to inform The Headmaster of this incident, this may be linked to the case with Gin-senpai…” He sniffed back the tears that started to form at the mention of Gin; the kind man had always given him candy and petted him when they saw each other. “Zoro, take Sanji to his room and watch over him. I know you’re tired too but we can’t risk it, we don’t know what the attacker’s motive is and they might come back for Sanji. Take care of him until we can send one of the teachers to watch him.”
Zoro nodded and set his lips into a grim line as he gently picked up Sanji bridal style and strolled out of the huge gaping hole he had made.
This was his job and he was going to make damn sure nothing would hurt a hair on Sanji; he would be his knight in shining armor, he would follow the enemy to the ends of the ear-
“Zoro, the male dorm is the other way.” stated Chopper.
-on the other hand maybe he should stay put in Sanji’s room and not wander around too much.
Ace seethed, after seemingly ditched by that green-haired idiot, he had found and rescued two kids that had been chained to a random wall in the middle of this damned forest but there was still no sign of Sanji. He glanced at the pair he had picked up and was supporting by putting one on either side of him, using his arms to hold them up (Like a pimp).
They both had a look in their eyes that worried him and he decided that he would take these kids to the infirmary first before hunting down that idiot who was most likely lost and resume his search for Sanji.
Ace sighed, why was he always stuck with the stupid ones? He prayed that they would find Sanji soon and get out of this mess, or at least whatever mess Zoro was sure to cause.
Though it pained him to admit it, he felt slightly worried about Zoro; this forest wasn’t exactly safe right now.
And how am I going to find him? God knows where he’s gone, tell him to go left and he would somehow end up underground somewhere…Brightening up considerably when he spotted a vague shape of what seemed like a building; he shifted the weights on his arms before breaking through the last row of trees…only to find half of the building no longer intact.
Well, Ace mused as he noticed the clean cuts of the pieces of wall on the floor,
at least now I know where that knuckle head’s been.He figured Zoro had found Sanji, Zoro wouldn’t return without him, that much he knew. Feeling a metaphorical weight lift off his heart
and mind, he smiled in relief before heading inside the building to get some treatment for these poor kids.
Zoro put Sanji down on the bed as softly as he could, though he didn’t know why he tried so hard for the man, it’s not like he was his
mate or anything like that- okay he needed to stop his mind from going down that road. It was really something he didn’t want to face yet.
Covering Sanji with a blanket, he pulled a chair up to the bed and sat down, leaning forward as he inspected the cook. He crossed his arms as he took in the fact that Sanji’s eyes were still open and with a blanked out look. It made him uncomfortable that all he could do was sit there when Sanji was mostly being tortured over and over again in his mind.
Maybe I can shake him awake… Deciding that it would be preferable to at least try to help Sanji, he grabbed the man by the shoulders and shook him in increasing increments of strength. After shaking Sanji hard enough to probably crack his neck, Zoro sat back down realizing how silly the idea was. After all, it was shrooms, who
knows what in the world those things can do to you. He’s seen enough of humans doing those things called shrooms to be half traumatized, especially that one time where a human tried to convince that unicorns were real in a very (What was that human term?), “stoned” way. He knew unicorns were real so it was kind of awkward, though unicorns are not as magical as people make them to be. They were such conceited assholes; just because they had a long
horn it didn’t mean their dic-
A long groan from the bed distracted Zoro from his thoughts as he realized he should have been watching Sanji instead of thinking of weird things. Leaning over Sanji, Zoro put both hands on Sanji’s shoulders and gently shook him, hoping to get him to wake up faster.
In a motion too fast for Zoro to even comprehend, he was suddenly laid flat on his back as Sanji trapped his arms above him, holding both wrists down. The focus and blatant bloodlust in Sanji’s eyes took out any enjoyment he felt from having Sanji on top of him, it was downright murderous. Feeling his hair rise, Zoro felt fear for the first time in decades and had to use all his strength not to start struggling, realizing that it would probably just make Sanji kill him faster.
Just when Zoro was questioning what he did to incite this anger (Was it that time he tried to sneak a touch or was it that other time…) Sanji spoke up in a low growl that went straight to his groin.
“You…why did you try to kill me?” And though Sanji’s posture and eyes expressed anger, in his voice there was nothing but hurt and betrayal; as if to brace himself for the answer he sat upright, putting as much space between Zoro and himself as he could while still restraining the man under him.
Startled, Zoro tried to process what was being asked but rushed for an answer when Sanji’s eyes narrowed into slits as he bared his elongated teeth in a grimace and the hands around his neck, from where they had moved to, tightened (How he did not notice the hands moving there was a mystery even to him).
“I-“ Still confused by the weird question, he tried to answer it the best he could. “Sanji, you know I would never hurt you on purpose. I mean, sure we banter and fight a lot but that’s all in good humor.”
And it also let’s me get close to you in ways that I would never be able to.The hold on his neck loosened as Sanji seemed confused by this statement but tightened a second later in resolve. “No, stop lying. You were there in the forest and when I thought you were there to help me, you
betrayed me.” Sanji let out a hollow laugh that sounded more like a choked sob. “I trusted you, how could-“
Unable to bear the pain in Sanji’s eyes any longer, Zoro pulled Sanji down flush on top of him as he petted his head in a comforting gesture.
“Shhh….you’re tired Sanji. We can talk about this when you wake up.” Zoro stroked Sanji’s hair in small increments and used his other hand to keep the man flush on top of him in case he tried to escape.
And despite the fact that Sanji had felt and seen Zoro kill him, despite the fact that he was technically the person who tried to
kill him; he still couldn’t help but relax against him as he displayed the trust he had for the man that could not be expressed in simple words.
“Bastard Marimo.” Grumbled Sanji from where his head had fallen to fit comfortably in the crook of Zoro’s neck, he yawned widely as he felt all the stress and fatigue from the event today catch up to him and quickly fell asleep while still muttering insults such as
“Idiot, couldn’t had saved me sooner.” and “You’re such a bastard why are you so nice to me?” every once in a while even when half conscious.
Zoro tried to hold in his chuckles but couldn’t prevent a smile from the absolute attraction he felt to the man when he was mumbling obscenities and cursing him half conscious. He had it bad, though he had given up denying it ever since the blonde had been kidnapped and he had felt more emotion in that moment than in his lifetime. Zoro tightened his hug on Sanji as he gave in and nuzzled the top of his head a few times; his hair
really was soft…
This is not going to end well for me, is it, Sanji? He silently thought in his head as he continued stroking and petting the blonde who seemed to enjoy the attention if his cuddling was anything to go by.
Zoro was afraid of these new emotions that Sanji gave him. Lust he had experienced many times and even sometimes acted on it, but the tenderness and care that Sanji seemed to pull out of him wasn’t familiar even to Zoro as it did not fit the tough and gruff persona he had created for himself.
Though Zoro was scared in a way, he was also not one to give up without a fight. That was the resolve he wanted to take toward these new emotions he seemed to have, he could only hope that Sanji would recuperate them. He was afraid because of all the battles he’s fought, he’s rarely lost one and none of them ever got to a life threatening level; but if Sanji hated him, then it would shatter his very soul.
A/N: OMG I FINALLY FINISHED THIS CHAPTER *Incomprehensible scream of joy* I wanted to make it longer but I couldn’t as I got too tired. Love you guys! Merry Christmas!!