[ Shounen Spectre/Tsukudani&Sourei Naruto ] Kimi no koe
Title: Kimi no koeDoujika/Circle: Shounen Spectre/Tsukudani&Sourei NarutoPairing: Zoro/SanjiLanguage: Italian / EnglishRating: NC-17Pages: 29Editing&Translate:3prideThanks to nightjump for the...
View ArticleWhat Happens... [One Piece, Zoro/Sanji]
Title: What Happens…Fandom: One PiecePairing: Zoro/SanjiRating: uh PG-13? I think probablyDisclaimer: One Piece and its characters do not belong to me.Word Count: 7,240Summary: You know those stories...
View ArticleArticle 22
Props to Narcissistic Ninny again for helping me keep them all in character!Title: Property of SanjiRating: M, themes, language and eventual explicitnessSummary: In a world where Zoro isn't even a...
View Article[ Saruya Hachi/Hachimaru ] Chef, Pursuing True Taste { Scanlation #2 + One...
Title: Chef, Pursuing True TasteDoujika/Circle: Saruya Hachi / HachimaruPairing: Sanji/ZoroRating: PG-15Pages: 21Editing&Translate:3prideThanks to arigatomina for the permissionDownload:HereYou...
View ArticleFic: Raining Chances (ZoSan, one-shot)
Title: Raining ChancesGenre: RomancePairing: Zoro x SanjiRating: T (or light M)Words: 666 (yes, that’s a coincidence o.o)Summary: A silent observer watches a drenched blonde in the rain. Will the water...
View ArticleFic: The Monster of Blood Moon Island, Ch. 1
Title: The Monster of Blood Moon IslandGenre: Adventure, Romance, Horror (hopefully)Pairing: Zoro x SanjiRating: TSummary: People vanish without trace on Blood Moon Island and when a member of their...
View ArticleProperty of Sanji 14
Thanks to Narcissistic Ninny again for being a fantastic betaTitle: Property of SanjiRating: M, themes, language and eventual explicitnessSummary: In a world where Zoro isn't even a person any more can...
View ArticleOf the Sky - Chapter 7
Rating: M(language, violence and mature themes)Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece. All of it's characters, plot and witty humour belongs to Eiichiro Oda.Summary: AU Set in modern-day....
View ArticleFic: Bring up a Dragon in Your Pants (preslash; PG-13)
Title: Bring up a Dragon in Your PantsRating: PG-13Disclaimer: Oda owns. I only play. You do not sue.Summary: When Zoro claims he is raising a dragon in his pants -- and no, he doesn't mean his...
View ArticleFic: Perfection (ZoSan, rated T, one-shot)
Title: PerfectionGenre: Romance, FluffPairing: Zoro x SanjiRating: TSummary: “Perfection is the way you hum when you make coffee. Perfection is the way your eyes look at me. Perfection is how you look...
View ArticleWhat doujins are they?
I found those pictures on Tumblr but there's no information about the title or doujin circle. Can someone tell me what the doujins are?This:and thisThank you very much!
View Article[ Yamato ] Pirate Ship Noah #05 + Two colored pages
Title: Pirate Ship Noah #05Doujika/Circle: YamatoPairing: Zoro/SanjiRating: PG-15Pages: 58Scanned&Editing&Translate: 3prideDownload:HereYou must be a member for download the contents in this...
View Article[ Tsurugi/Gladiolus ] Kimi ga buji de kaeru tame no omajinai
Title: Kimi ga buji de kaeru tame no omajinaiDoujika/Circle: Tsurugi/GladiolusPairing: Sanji/ZoroRating: PG-15Pages: 21Editing&Translate:3prideThanks to caelimane for the RAWsDownload:HereYou must...
View ArticleProperty of Sanji 15
So, turns out that starting a new job at a way higher level that you're used to takes a little getting used to and delays your writing. Who would have thought? ^_-Title: Property of SanjiRating: M,...
View Article[ Chekera/139 ] Afterward
Title: AfterwardDoujika/Circle: Chekera/139Pairing: Zoro/SanjiLanguage: Italian / EnglishRating: PG-15Pages: 23Editing&Translate:3prideRAWs: can_has_doujinDownload:HereYou must be a member for...
View ArticleMunta doujinshi reprint
Munta's ZoroxSanji reprint book.About 180 pages, A5 size.Very good condition!Selling this for $13. ($10+ $3 US shipping), international is $20.Anyone interested, please message me!
View ArticleProperty of Sanji 16
Thanks as always to the lovely lovely beta of mine Narcissistic Ninny. <3Title: Property of SanjiRating: M, themes, language and eventual explicitnessSummary: In a world where Zoro isn't even a...
View Article[ Saruya Hachi/Hachimaru ] Laughing Quietly With The Monthly Duty
Title: Laughing Quietly With The Monthly DutyDoujika/Circle: Saruya Hachi / HachimaruPairing: Sanji/ZoroRating: NC-17Pages: 15Editing&Translate: 3prideRAWs:arigatominaDownload:HereYou must be a...
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