Title : The right way to itch a scratch
Genre : smut
Pairings : Sanji/Zoro (what else?)
Rating : NC-17
Warnings : smut, language
Timeline : after Enies Lobby
Wordcount : 8,140
Summary : It felt like hunger. And like hunger, Sanji knew that feeling would never be satiated for long.
Comment : This was originally supposed to be a one-shot, but I decided that the first chapter had too many loose ends, and it was ultimately unsatisfying (especially for Sanji). You will find the link to the first part at the bottom of this one.
(The right way to itch a scratch)
Genre : smut
Pairings : Sanji/Zoro (what else?)
Rating : NC-17
Warnings : smut, language
Timeline : after Enies Lobby
Wordcount : 8,140
Summary : It felt like hunger. And like hunger, Sanji knew that feeling would never be satiated for long.
Comment : This was originally supposed to be a one-shot, but I decided that the first chapter had too many loose ends, and it was ultimately unsatisfying (especially for Sanji). You will find the link to the first part at the bottom of this one.
(The right way to itch a scratch)