Title: Passersby
Author: auspizien
Pairing: ZoroxSanji
Words: 356
Disclaimer: One Piece belongs to Oda.
Summary: Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans…
A/N: It was 1 a.m. and I was feeling extremely melancholy...
You are standing on the subway. Crammed in among the hundreds of other travellers jumbled into the car as it follows its tracks to other destinations and eventually yours. Your hand absently holds onto one of the metal poles situated throughout the cab and you desperately try to ignore the fact that millions of other people have gripped this same bar with no doubt massive amounts of illnesses and germs bathed on their hands.
The train comes to a stop and the doors slide open with a small automatic swish and people migrate out as others glide in; a small circulatory system of the city. People bump into each other by accident as the train begins to move once more and small apologizes are whispered but otherwise the train remains silent.
There’s a man sitting on the seat in front of you. He’s not dressed impeccably like you are, but he is no way homeless. Ratty jeans of someone whom either has little care for their own hygiene, or possibly does it out of style; you can’t really tell. His tanned hands are shoved into the pockets as he sits slumped, his simple white shirt revealing a muscular frame, but at the same time not really flattering the man’s body type.
Feeling your stare he looks up. Brown eyes catch your own blue as you inspect the handsome face and the oddly coloured green hair that compliments his features in a strangely good way. Three gold studs sparkle prominently from his left ear and match his delinquent appearance.
Neither of you say a word as you stare at each other.
Your stop has arrived and giving a small smile you wander off onto the platform and toward your own destination. The train already starts to lurched forward and carries that young man away from you and off toward his own goal. You don’t know that what you just passed up could have changed your life. You don’t know that having said a simple hello to that man would’ve have altered the course of your history. You don’t know that that man could have become your future.
A/N: How many people do you pass on the streets that you never actually meet? How many people have you ignored in your life that could have potentially held your entire future? How often does the love of our life pass us right by and we are so focused on our plans that we don’t even realize that we just missed them?
Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans. - John Lennon